Lifting the Veil of Fear; Ending the War Within
Welcome to RED PILL. Where my invitation to you is this: marvel,
marvel at your magical life,
marvel at the grief that's softened you,
at the heartache that you've lived through,
at all the suffering that's strengthened you.
Despite everything, and indeed perhaps because of everything,
you still grow. You still expand. You still love.
You still wake up each morning. You're still here.
Be proud of this. This is miraculous.
You're more amazing than you know.
You're perfect.
At RED PILL, I want to sit with you,
as you bring to me the war, the battle.
The one that's been going on inside of you.
Bring it all to me. I'm trained for it.
I'm ready for it.
This is my life's work.
Working with me will help you see
that any energy that we deny
becomes a demon for us.
It becomes our inner tormenter. It creates the war.
Fascinatingly: we don’t actually need to get rid of these "demons".
Rather, the work is in being able to embrace them.
To Love them. To Be with them. Indeed, to thank them.
And if we do this in the gentle, raw, real way I'm speaking of,
then these "demons" no longer feel like demons.
They no longer control us and run our lives.
They are just energies that are available to us.
They are just part of this whole spectrum
of what it is to be human and conscious and alive and present.
And then just like that: everything becomes joined back together again.
A mature emotional life is when all the different parts of ourselves emotionally are joined back together.
Nothing is put outside, nothing is denied, nothing is hidden. Nothing is unacknowledged.
All brought together: so that it can all come together.
This is what we ultimately work on at RED PILL.
Together, we will always be exploring this most important and fundamental question:
What is the most loving way you can honor yourself in each moment?
What I help you discover and uncover at RED PILL is how to more and more fully realize...
That you are not your thoughts. That in fact, the thoughts being thought, and passing through you
are just being generated from the subconscious
based on faulty programming and poor conditioning
and set on auto repeat, with ideas that are old and outdated
and mostly picked up from childhood.
I help you undo this.
Together we will question and explore:
Where and how you've been cutting yourself off from receiving?
And how we best go about removing/dissolving these self-imposed obstacles!
At RED PILL you are cordially invited to fall in love, with taking care of yourself!
Grief, addiction, stress, depression, anxiety, heartbreak, loneliness...
These are all part of the human experience.
My invitation to you is to stop beating yourself up for having such feelings and experiences.
To stop abusing yourself for being human.
To notice:
that every single experience we ever have,
is always an invitation from life,
to ever-deepening, ever-expanding self-love.
In the places where we hate ourselves the most,
can we meet ourselves there...
With gentleness, kindness, compassion? With love?
Not always.
It's not easy.
It goes against our conditioning, our programming, our brainwashing, our indoctrination, indeed, our wiring for survival.
I offer space.
Sacred Space.
Where we can sit together...
And undo,
and unlearn
all that's been hurting you.
I’m a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor
in the greater Vancouver area,
and I’d love to help you on your adventure
towards healing, towards self-discovery, towards true-love.
Life can be totally overwhelming and completely exhausting. I know.
I'm not only a therapist. I'm also a client. Continuously doing my own healing work.
I'd never dream of taking you down a path, that I'm not able to traverse myself.
My goal is to help you meet your goals.
Don't have any goals?
You don't need any!
You're enough just as you are. Perfect as you are.
Without goals. With goals.
Either way, and regardless.
You're perfect.
I want to sit with you
until you truly see and experience that perfection for yourself!
The therapy I provide is safe,
it's trauma-informed,
and it's a tad unconventional and a lot radical.
It's Spiritual Psychotherapy with a Self-Love (RED-PILLED) Specialist!
Specifically specializing in stress, anxiety, and depression.
Assisting you in untangling and undoing
unhealthy and outdated
coping mechanisms and behavior patterns.
Supporting you in dissolving and banishing
old brainwashing, programming, and conditioning.
Helping you lift the veil of fear
in order to see crystal clear
through the eyes of love!
It's all About Superpowers, Sweetheart!
One of my greatest superpowers is helping you: fully realize yours!
My other superpowers:
I can change the past. I can teach you how.
(In the meantime, if you're curious, check out the video below for a little glimpse into the magic!)
I'm hyperaware of language, and how we can use it to enslave, or free ourselves. I can teach you this skill.
I've got a Laser-like
extraordinary ability
to cut through symptoms
and quickly get to the root cause of suffering.
My passion and mastery
is in helping you truly see, and fully know:
Sitting Expert Extraordinaire, I am.
I can sit. All session.
Fiercely. Openly. Compassionately. Gently.
With your pain, your grief, your suffering.
I can hold the space for it. I can expand the space for it. I can allow it to be. Just as it is.
Without needing to shift it, change it, hide from it, advise you on it, lecture you about it,
or do anything at all with it.
I can just hold the space, Sacred Space,
for of us to be with it, together.
Individual Counselling 60 minute session: $111 (tax included)
Couples Counselling 80 minute session: $155 (tax included)
Anxious and depressed? Thinking that if you got therapy,
you'd need a second therapist
just to help you mentally cope
with the stress of the bills from the first therapist?
Not to worry!
Compassionate Fees and Sliding-Scale Rates
are available for students and low income clients.
A portion of proceeds from every session
will go towards someone else's therapy
who would not otherwise have the means to afford private counselling.
(We're all in this together!)
I'm happy to help all couples, of all kinds.
From the strictly traditional
to the wildly unconventional.
Let me help you co-create
healthy happy intimate relationships,
through the use of vulnerable,
clear, open communication.
And honest and firm boundaries.
No longer be seduced and hypnotized
by the belief
that you are anything less
than perfect.
You are
a magical magnificent manifested miracle;
you are made of stories and stardust
and you are perfect.
Anyone that's ever told you otherwise,
was either confused, afraid, or lying to you.
Let's get together
and celebrate your unique messy wild unconventional perfection
in our sessions, together.
Insurance Information
Services may be covered in full
or in part, by your Health Insurance or Employee Benefits Plan.
Please check your coverage carefully by asking the following questions:
Will my insurance plan cover the fees of an ACCT Registered Therapeutic Counsellor?
What is the coverage amount per year and per therapy session?
Is approval required from my primary care physician?
Cash is accepted, at the start of each session, in person.
E-transfer is accepted prior to each session.
Cancellation Policy:
Minimum 24-hours required, or full fee is charged for the missed session.
It's all Confidential.
All matters discussed in counselling are strictly confidential (with some limits).
In a small number of extreme circumstances
it is ethically and legally incumbent, on every counsellor, to break confidentiality.
(This will all be discussed thoroughly in person, at our first intake session.)
• When you may be a danger to yourself or others.
• When there is suspicion or disclosure of current abuse on vulnerable persons, such as a child or an elder.
• When records are subpoenaed by court order.
“The greatest damage done by neglect, trauma or emotional loss is not the immediate pain they inflict but the long-term distortions they induce in the way a developing child will continue to interpret the world and her situation in it. All too often these ill-conditioned implicit beliefs become self-fulfilling prophecies in our lives. We create meanings from our unconscious interpretation of early events, and then we forge our present experiences from the meaning we’ve created. Unwittingly, we write the story of our future from narratives based on the past... Mindful awareness can bring into consciousness those hidden, past-based perspectives so that they no longer frame our worldview. Choice begins the moment you dis-identify from the mind and its conditioned patterns, the moment you become present… Until you reach that point, you are unconscious. In present awareness we are liberated from the past.”
Gabor Maté
20 Minute Consultations
Got questions?
I may have answers.
Let's chat it out!
Madelaine Arshak, RTC
Sacred Space Psychotherapy
2555 Commercial Drive
Vancouver, BC
V5N 4C1
604-780-HEAL (4325)